image of a cheerful kid jumping on a road divider line


We've designed our Kids programs to teach about God in a fun and engaging way. We teach kids in environments where they feel comfortable and with content they love.

kids love sunday school graphic


At Tower Hill, we love our kids! And, our kids love us! Every Sunday at our 10:15 Contemporary Worship service. Our pre-screened and trained volunteers lead your kids in age-appropriate worship and teaching. They will come to church, have fun, worship, and learn about Jesus. Registration is not required; you can just show up!



Volunteers are present at our check-in counter where parents or family members bring their children. Look for the big waving orange inflatable! 
Infants through Pre-K are dropped off prior to worship. Kindergarten through 5th grade go into worship with their families and are dismissed at the passing of the peace. High School & Middle School head up to their space called "The Attic" before service.


Our leaders play a short, upbeat video and then talk through each week's lesson about how it relates to real life.


Our younger kids create crafts, while our older kids break off into small groups by age and gender to discuss the lesson.


Our students then can have fun and play until parents come to pick up their children! High School and Middle School are dismissed to catch up with their families.

image of books  related to christianity stacked on top of each other

Test Drive Our Curriculum

Check out Studio 252! It shows samples of the content we use with the kids on Sunday mornings. Or better yet, download the Parent Cue App to stay up to date on what's happening in Sunday School, get parenting tips, and receive weekly cues that are relevant to the exact age and stage of your kid's life. The Parent Cue App aligns directly with our Orange Curriculum.

Pre-Teen Group

Thursdays 6-7:30PM

preteen age 4-5 logoimage of a group of preteens posing for a photo at Towerhill church

Our Pre-Teen Group is for Grades 4–5 and meets Thursdays at Tower Hill from 6–7:30pm.

Kids enjoy fun gym games, food, and discussions. We touch on many topics that interest, concern, and engage the "Tweens" of today in an environment that is fun, safe, laid back, and focused on faith!

Contact Amy Lober (Pre-Teen Specialist) at

June 24-28, 2024

Our popular VBS program is filled with faith-building fun!

Contact Lindsey Larkin to find out about volunteer opportunities at

SIGN UP HEREEmail Lindsey


Our volunteers are vital to our kids. They not only show up on Sunday to teach and love the children of our church, but they also play a role in preparation and events throughout the week.

image of a little girl smiling at Towerhill church's volunteer evenimage of childern with their teacher during a volunteer event at towerhill churchimage of a kid sliding down in a cheerful way